Return Policy
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase and wish to return an item, please contact us at within 7 days to obtain prior confirmation that your request can be approved. Once we have authorized your return, please send us the unused item in its original condition and packaging within 30 days from the date you received your order. We do not accept returns for items received after this period of time.
Return shipments are handled at the consumer’s expense. We recommend tracking and insuring, as we cannot be responsible for items lost or damaged in transit.
If you would like to make changes to your order, please reach out to us as soon as possible to ensure we can do this for you. Once an order is fulfilled and a shipping label acquired, we cannot make changes to your purchase.
Our priority is to ensure that you have a positive experience shopping with us, and that you are happy with your new items. We welcome you to contact us at with questions or concerns.
In order to avoid disappointment, please make sure to read product descriptions, dimensions and shipping policies carefully before completing your purchase.
Something is wrong with my product!
Should an item arrive damaged, don't worry! Please submit an inquiry to our contact page or to and we will respond as soon as we can and be sure to make things right.
Please provide a description of the issue, and include a picture or video if possible. We'll try our best to work with you on a solution. Thank you for your understanding.